Six Resolutions Which Will Change Your Financial Life
It’s time to wax philosophical once again. My last post was all about gold and
other types of filthy lucre… not a bad thing, but because of the obscurity of that topic, I
think the article might not have resonated with many of you that don’t have a
finance/investment background.

So today, I’m going down a different path. I’m going to
pander to you, the masses, about what every other feel-good, self-help, or
motivational personality is going to
hit you with this time of year, while still keeping as close as possible to my usual topic of healthy money-grubbing and wealth-building.
That's right.... let's talk RESOLUTIONS.
me start by saying that I think the idea of a "New Year's Resolution"
is a complete joke, although I'll admit its intent is good.
Why is it a joke?
Does it make sense to arbitrarily sit around lazily until January first of every year to
make changes or improvements to your life, which you know you should have made months ago? Why make some
symbolic, weak-sauce deadline for yourself,
signifying the point at which you will cease sucking at life, and begin
to conquer it?
If you know there’s something you need to change, and it
will make you better off, why are you waiting even one day, or one hour? Life’s
too short for that kind of ridiculous procrastination.
Anyways, let me get off my soapbox and start moving with
this monumental idea.
The resolution, which I think should be at the top of
EVERYONE’S list, will improve every single aspect of your life in ways you
can’t even imagine right now. Here it is.
Decide to be more FREE.
do I mean by that?

I’m not talking about signing up to fight the Taliban,
overthrowing North Korean dictators, or even becoming more politically active to
support the cause of freedom (although all of these things are noble pursuits).
I’m talking about looking at different aspects of your life,
and asking yourself the question: “How can I become more free in this?”
In my opinion, happiness is largely embodied in freedom. Having the capacity and power to make choices, and experiencing the satisfaction of success after making the right ones, truly makes you happy.
The truth is, most of us aren't free at all. And that makes us extremely depressed. We're slaves to vice, slaves to work, slaves to a paycheck... slaves to survival. And it often seems like there's no way out.
That's why you're going to resolve this year to make yourself more free. So you can see the bright light of your future, and make some
truly meaningful changes to your life.
I've laid out some things below which are meant to expand the level of your freedom. They're at the top of my own
list this
year. And if you drop by this blog regularly or have perused my other stuff on this site, you might
notice some of the themes resonating.
Freedom Level One:
Freeing yourself from “stuff,” and simplify your life.
Many people truly are slaves to their possessions.
Are you a slave to anything you own? Think about the most
expensive or beloved possession you have. How much of your livelihood did it cost you? How
much time do you spend with it? How much money do you waste on it? How much of
your life do you waste maintaining it, protecting it, or looking out for it? If
the answer is “a lot,” then ponder your costs, and your return on that time
spent. Is this possession bringing you greater freedom, true happiness, or
peace of mind?

If not, I would argue you are slave to it.
The more stuff you have, the more nagging this stuff does to get you to
use it, even if there are other, better things you could or should be doing with your time.
Consider cutting ties with this stuff immediately, even if
it means selling whatever is causing you problems.
Even if you just bought it for
Christmas. If you do, you’ll find yourself with greater peace of mind, more
freedom, maybe more money, and certainly more simplicity.
Freedom Level Two:Free up your finances by paying off debt and staying out
of it.
I don’t know about you, but I absolutely HATE making my
mortgage payment. I every time I do it, the interest charges remind me of the
mistake I made in not having a larger down payment, or not saving up to pay
I can’t even imagine what it’s like to make an outrageous
payment on a car, boat, or other luxury item. I've never gone into debt for something like that, and I never plan to.
Most of the time, people who buy
big toys
with debt end up
them sit for eight months of the year in the off-season, or they can’t find the time to even use
them even in the on-season, because they’re too busy trying to provide a living for
themselves. And yet, they pay interest every second every day of the year for
this crap. It’s nonsense. Expensive toys steal your freedom, your
future, and your
“10-15 Year-Smell-the-Freedom" retirement plan.
That being said, pay off any debt you have immediately. Stop making interest
payments which provide no value to you or your loved ones. Sell the to
ys you
have sitting in the garage or in storage that are causing you
to have
mental anguish, not to mention flush money down the toilet.
this extra money into your savings and investments, where it will actually do
you some good.
Every dollar you put toward paying down extra debt brings
you a couple days closer to financial freedom.
Freedom Level Three:
Get freedom from your job
You may be fortunate enough to love every second of the job
you do every day.
But it’s more than likely that the job you work at every day
is not what you would prefer to spend your life doing. There are a million fun or
wholesome things you could be doing, instead of working, if only you had the
financial means to have the option of not working.
As I’ve told you in the past, most people on just a modest
income should be spending no more than a decade and a half of their life
working full-time for someone else. If you are responsible and smart with your
money, and you start working full-time at 25 years old, like the majority of
us stiffs, you should be done by age 45 (as I showed you in the "math" article above).
It just takes discipline, and the right mindset about the
purpose of money and the true meaning of life. Life is meant to be free, and freedom to do whatever you want only comes through financial freedom. Financial freedom comes if you learn to live within your means, avoid debt at all costs, and
save and invest like a maniac. That's my favorite part of this blog, so check it out.
If you can get all that down,
you won’t have to worry about having a job for the majority of your lifetime.
Resolve now to read all I’ve written about this, and start your freedom journey
Freedom Level Four: Free Yourself From Addictions
The term “addiction” is much more broad than you might
realize at first, so let me define it for you.
“A strong, often harmful, need to regularly have something
or do something. An unusually great interest in something or a need to do or
have something.”
It's pretty clear that this definition can apply to ANYTHING.
If there’s something in your life that you do, take, or
use to an excess, at the expense of other better or wholesome things, you have
an addiction.
I don’t care if it’s looking at Facebook, working, watching TV
shows/movies, doing schoolwork, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, reading the
news, watching sports, gambling, or doing something as vile as viewing pornography
(which is a pernicious beast in and of itself). Anything taken to an extreme,
even if it’s perceived to be good in general, can be harmful to your life.
Or maybe your addiction is over-dependence on other people,
reliance on their generosity, or use of social welfare programs you don’t want
to let go of. I know a few people who are super selfish. They are addicted to
taking advantage of others. Other people I know are addicted to welfare, and
won’t get a job because of it. They’re addicted to not working for a living,
because of the free government handouts.
Addictions can come in any form. And all forms steal freedom and
independence from you.
Take special note if you use anything from the above list to
“escape” from life or your real-world problems. Chances are, your escape is an
If you need professional help to get rid of your addictions,
seek it out. It feels great to toss aside your vices and instead fill your free
time with fulfilling things. Get FREE from your addictions, no matter how minor
they are.
Freedom Level Five:Get free from poor health, bad self-image, or low self-esteem
Don't make your resolution about exercise come down to being fit just for the sake of fitness. No fitness goal should focus on being the buffest or hottest
person in the room. The resolve to be fit should be rooted much deeper. If it's based on something of true value, you'll be more likely to keep it up than if your goal is just arbitrary physical hotness. For example...
The main reason people should get fit is so they can
live a healthy life, free from the need for medical care or medication, so they
can feel financially free, be comfortable with themselves and their body, and
do things they love without inhibitions.
Being fit has tons of advantages. For example. It’s easier to get around
the house or in public if you don’t get winded going up and down stairs. You feel more motivated to get up and do things throughout the day, because you don't tire easily. You can
play with your kids easier and for longer periods of time. You can more easily
enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.
Studies have shown that fit people actually get more respect from others in public.
Seriously. Also, fit people are more likely to be hired for good jobs if they have a good self-image and exude
confidence. When you're fit, you appear to have things more "together" in life. So, fitness can positively contribute to professional success as well as self-image.
Or perhaps your motivation
in getting fit is to spice up your love life. I don’t know. To each their own.
I could go on. The bottom line is, being in good shape can
provide you with various kinds of benefits and freedom. Financial freedom (less medical
bills, better and more job prospects), freedom of movement, freedom from the judgment of others,
freedom from a bad self-image, and more latitude to do the things you want.
Even if you aren’t fit enough to gym-timidate other people, and even if members
of the opposite sex aren’t checking you out in public, there are countless intrinsic reasons for you to exercise regularly and have moderately good health. Find your own if I haven't given you enough ideas.
Freedom Level Six: Free yourself from ignorance
Ignorance is freaking expensive, on just about all levels--social, technical, and professional.
If you're socially ignorant, you look like a fool to other people when you try to have an intelligent conversation.
If you're technically ignorant, you spend money paying other people to do simple things you could do yourself for cheaper.
If you're professionally ignorant, it can cost you your job and your reputation.
Knowing these facts, I make it a point in life to avoid as many informationally asymmetric situations as possible. This requires me to educate myself on as many things as possible wherever I find myself.
This year, why not consider becoming more informed in general? The more you know about politics, world events, history, economics, and similar topics, the better you are at just making casual conversation with people you know and work with. You suddenly become more interesting. What an idea!
But don't just stop at facts and theories. Learn as much as you can about the world around you by picking up some new skillsets. Having useful skills saves you
time, money, and anguish in a lot of ways.
to fix your own cars, computers, leaky faucets, clogged drains, and broken roof
how to plan a menu, shop more wisely, and cook good, healthy food to save you
and your family time and money, and give you better health.
how to manage your finances, and make smart investments. Become more involved
with ensuring a good future for yourself and your family.
to do your own taxes, buy, sell, or manage real estate, or refinish furniture
and resell it.
find profitable new hobbies that will either save you money, or help earn extra
income, instead of pastimes that suck away your life, money, and time. This
will change your life in fascinating ways.
I can’t think of many better ways to resolve for more freedom
in the coming year for myself or others than what I’ve written above. I’ll be
taking my own advice on this, and I hope you will take some as well wherever
you find you can use it.
The way I see it, every one of your resolutions this year
should revolve around giving you more choices in life, and less coercion to do
things against your will. Financial freedom, in my opinion, is at the core
of all this. If you
aren't financially sound, your life choices are limited. So get educated, gain some new skills, get rid of bad habits, take control of your health and finances, and simplify your life.
And don't forget to check out everything else I’ve written in the past about
financial freedom. I think
you’ll find something on this site to benefit you in your life.
If you do, I only ask that you tell your friends. Share
these ideas. Help others see the light, too.
Live long and invest,