My ramblings across these pages are wide and varied, and touch briefly on many concepts in relation to the differences between "Investing," and "Speculating," otherwise known as "trading." Since I believe both methods of earning a good return on your hard-earned dollars offer spectacular opportunities, I've written the below articles to help you learn these concepts.
I refer to them once in a while in my periodic posts, so if you see a link to one of them, feel free to pop open the link and read through the article for a more thorough understanding of the scnario or concept.
I hope these articles will help you to better understand the place that "speculation", or short-term investing, should have in every portfolio.
- 11 Ways The Village Creamed the Market in 2015
- 2016 Markets Don't Look Rosy. Here's Why I'm Giddy
- #1 Way to Win at Investing: Get Paid to Bargain Shop
- Put the Smack Down on the Market -- By Being MacGyver
- Why Stock Market Crashes Are A Good Thing
- Shotguns, Hail Mary's, Investing, Oh My!
- Investor Insomniacs? I Don't Think They Exist
- How to Survive a Market Crash Without Losing Your Lunch
- When the Stock Market Becomes the Lottery
- Get Your Lion's Share During a Crisis
- When 13 Cents Means "Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner"
- Turning Losers Into Winners In the Midst of Chaos
- How to Evaporate Your Investing Fears
- Screw Vegas, I AM the Casino
- A Spoonful of Evil Helps the Liberty Go 'Round
- If They Hate You, Set Them Free
- The Genome of Stock Options and Speculation: Greeks
- Admit You're a Loser, and Expect to Die
- The Wealth Colonoscopy.. a Painful, But Necessary Procedure
- The "Grandma" Signal of Imminent Wealth Destruction
- Wolves, Sheep, and Fistfuls of Dollars
- Investors Don't Eat Dead Cats
- Monthly Dividends Earning 24% A Year With No Risk
- Pouncing Tiger, Hidden Profits
- Be Your Own Jedi Master Money Manager
- Got money? How to Not Screw Up While Growing It