Ideas and Strategies for Putting Your Money to Work

You've taken a fun trip down the road of revamping your personal finance habits. You've perused the sagaic wisdom and rants contained in the Investing section, so you have read all about and learned the most basic and important concepts in order to start investing like the Pro's do.

Now you're ready to make a few good investment choices, and get on the exciting and fulfilling path of self-directed investing.

Let's make one thing clear. I'm not a registered investment adviser. I'm not authorized to manage your money for you, or to give individual investment advice of any kind. What I've written here should be taken only as my opinion about what I consider to be good investments for my own situation. The decision and risk associated with engaging these ideas on your own rests solely with you.

This research section (all about stock recommendations) is the entire reason I originally created The Village Id-Vestor.  While I believe a great deal in the value of diversification, I think that Equities, or 'stocks' should be the bread and butter of any investment strategy. It's what I like to research and write about the most, but I also often talk about the use of options strategies to supplement basic investments in stocks.

Much of what I'll add in the future to this section will be along the format of the combination of stocks and options. You should learn quite a bit about investing in general just by reading the articles.
Enjoy, and if you have any questions for me, send me a message at